Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spinning and Coffee and Pecans

Work is getting a bit busy right now, which is fine, but adds a challenge to the workout schedule. Luckily spinning class on Wednesdays is early...easy to fit in before work!

I was going to swim after spinning; had all my stuff packed and everything. But during class I began thinking about work and decided I'd be better off doing the workout later when I didn't feel it was so pressing. And honestly, I think the workout will be better having a break. We'll see how it goes today. I am not thrilled with the idea of heading to the gym twice in a day, which is why I have been planning to do the swim on Wednesday after spinning. But, really, I think I'll have to break it up.

I may or may not be able to get to the gym because my car died last night (something wrong with the battery connection). While G was going to work on it this morning, heading over to the lot we left it in, his car had problems: his clutch pedal lost pressure. Soooo thank goodness for our truck Big Blue (aka Dodge Dakota Fanning, Money Maker, Snot Nose and Rust Bucket). Some of those nicknames I just made up. G has that, but I'm stranded for the day...unless he gets my car running.

Anyway, the morning has been good. I made coffee when I returned from the gym, though after a spinning class, it definitely isn't necessary. I thought it would be since I was up 'til midnight working...but elevated heart rate trumps caffeine any day!

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