Work was rough yesterday and I decided to come home after the 5:45 spinning class instead of swim right after. Honestly, as I mentioned before, I don't think swimming right after spinning is the best/most realistic idea anyway. I thought I'd try the gym in the evening and see how that would go.
Turns out the entire community goes to the community center in the evening. I got my swim in, but it was way too crowded to be able to concentrate. I was in the lane that butts up against the rest of the leisure pool, which was full of frolicking children and bobbing adults. I shared this lane (of course) with a back floater. (I'll have to describe these breeds some other time.) After she left, her spot was immediately replaced by a very hairy guy who complimented me on how fast I was swimming (um...compared to the back floater over there? sure!) After he left, I shared my lane with a teenage girl and her swim instructor. All this time I also partially shared my lane under the ropes in parts by people who liked to hang out right on the edge and kick into my lane. Finally, I had the lane to myself for a bit! Until, unexpectedly, Original Back Floater decided to come back into my lane...without making sure that I knew. I was swimming right down the middle and nearly collided with her.
So, lesson learned. If I want to really do a swim workout, and not practice siting the entire time, 7:30 is not the time to go to the pool.
My swim was 250 warmup, 8 x 25 pull drills, 4 x 100 main set, 6 x 25 kicks, 6 x 25 pulls again (and breathing focus) and 300 cool down. 1450 total.
I'm trying to work on my breathing balance and dominance in the water. I am a flailing mess when trying to breathe on my left side. It feels terrible. I've read that this can be common and that you just have to force yourself to get that bad side up to par with your good side. I have all fall and winter!
I can totally relate. Your hangup is about breathing - mine is about speed. When I'm in the "groove", I feel like I'm worthy of a Masters Competition, but when timed, my top speed is about the same as my side-stroke speed. Go figure. I guess we should both admit that swimming is greatly affected by our mental condition!