Since the weather remains in full-time Horrible Mode, I hit the indoor track for a run Tuesday. I didn't get to spin in the morning.
I went during lunch and took along my awesome new headphones that don't fall out of my sweaty ears. I guess it's not really my ears that sweat...or do they? I think it's more my entire head region.
I turned Pandora on to the Alternative Endurance station, which is a little heavy on old Michael Jackson songs (mama say mama sah ma-ma coo sa!), and started my musical circles in the hot, dry air. After "warming up" for a mile (or what my best guess of a mile was since I couldn't monopolize the outer lane of which 9 laps equals a mile) I got a drink of water. Sooooo parched. That air is terrible.
Then to help break up monotony, I ran 2 laps hard and 1 lap easy. I repeated this for 11 laps total, which means I did 4 x 2lapshard with 1lap recoveries. Doesn't have the same ring to it as 4x200.
After that, I got another drink. Then I "cooled down" (not possible) for a "mile". Then I did the assisted dip machine a little bit.
I was running very slowly and my legs still feel pretty dead after Sunday's 6. But my toe was fine. I think that little fluke is gone now - woohoo! So glad it wasn't something more serious.
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