Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Swim of the New Year! Finally!

It's been stupid cold here in Cincinnati. Negative temperatures for highs kind of cold. Kids were supposed to go back to school on Monday but didn't until today (Wednesday) due to the cold.

So far all we suffered was a frozen drain trap from the bathtub. Hot water fixed it after a morning of boiling water, pouring it into the drain and then syphoning it out of the drain so new hot water could be poured in again.

I had the best intentions to "get back to it" on Monday, looking forward to a regular schedule again. I had no idea I was such a schedule-needer. But I didn't even leave the house Monday. (!)  I developed a bad case of F It It's Too Cold To Do Anything. I had intentions of riding my bike, but dinner and motivation got in the way of that.

Then Tuesday, the Community Center was closed. I had my bag packed for running and swimming, but saw the message right before I left the house. And no. I'm just not hard core enough to run outside when it's -7ยบ. Actually I fear my lungs would crack and break.

But today....TODAY I WENT TO THE GYM!!!!! Finally. Now that I'm officially back into it (because, yes, one day makes me officially back into it) there won't be anymore excuses.

I swam. I knew it would be terrible (I haven't swam since December 11th) but you gotta start somewhere. Technique-wise I was better than I thought I'd be. I had the same times, I just couldn't go far without needing to rest, chest heaving, out of breath. I only did 1100 yards, with probably 450 of that kicking. But hey, my shoulders are achy, so it's ok. It was a start and a pretty good workout.

Tonight I'm going to go for a run at French Park with R. I have this "resolution" of sorts to run in every Cincinnati area park this year...and write about it, of course, here. Maybe I'll come up with some sort of rating scale or something. I'd like there to be some kind of consistency to what I write about them...maybe the terrain, the miles, the scenery, stuff like that. Saturday we ran at Sharon Woods, which I've ran at countless times. French Park will be new.

Yay training! I feel so happy and myself again. I've had a ton of energy this morning that I've been using to work at breakneck speed.

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