Last week was pretty weak in consistency terms. I had some weird work stuff come up and also succumbed to cold dreary days. It was a really easy week. I swam, I biked (spinning) and I ran (hilly hills again). But all just once each. Suck.
Sooooo I'm happy for the new week. Today I did an easy base interval swim session:
Warmed up 250
6 x 25 pull drills (which really were not too great - I was all out of balance)
4 x 100 with a LOT of rest in between (:30 - 1:00, ug)
8 x 25 kicks
2 x 25 fast
200 cool down
I was still sore from our go-karting session on Saturday evening, but thought the swimming would help loosen me up, and it did. My breathing wasn't too stellar - the 4 x 100s were really tough. I think I've lost my endurance in the pool, and maybe everywhere.
Tonight after work I ran. I was supposed to do 34 minutes with 14 x :30 all out with :30 recovery in between. I warmed up a mile then started on them. It was dark, but with all of the snow on the ground, I thought it would be light enough. It was light enough to run and see where I was going, but eventually I couldn't see my watch anymore. And no, it doesn't have a light. It's a cheap-o Armitron that has recently come back from the dead after fizzling out Thanksgiving day. After about 7 of the intervals, I just started counting to the rhythm of my breaths up to 45. I figured my breaths were a bit quicker than a second apart, so 45 was the adjustment. This was MUCH better since I didn't have to struggle to see in the dark while bouncing. I did something around 14; I kept losing track, but I'm sure I did at least 14. Then I ran easy for the remainder of the time to 30 minutes. I decided I couldn't see well enough anymore, and there were plenty of patches of wet road that had turned to ice...4 minutes wasn't worth sliding.
Now I am utterly beat. I don't know what has been going on with me lately, but I am always tired. I know I'm not sleeping too well, so maybe that's part of it. It feels like I'm sick, that same worn out feeling...but I'm not. Who knows, maybe it's just the weather.
Tomorrow is spinning and I really really really hope it's an hour on the bike and no stupid abs. I'll do abs and arms afterwords though. I'm excited to get back to the strength routine that I Saturday.
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