Wednesday I ran another Village on the Green loop test. It's a 2.5 mile loop and I have been using it as a time trial route of sorts.
I was pretty tired after the swim Wednesday morning. I actually took a little nap in the middle of the afternoon. Being that this week I was coming back to the training pretty fully, I didn't expect the run to be fast. But while I was out there I felt like I was killing it. Turned out to not be as killing it as I thought, but it was still a decent pace for me, and progress. 24:01 is the fastest I've done it and this was 24:03. (Slow I know, but I'm just trying to get faster.)
This morning I swam. The workout called for a 250 warmup, 1000 yards straight, and a 250 cool down. I haven't swam any kind of distance straight without stopping since the triathlon or right after. I counted up to 20 laps, and pushed the last two. My time was about 1:15 per 50. Sooooo slow, but hey, here's a starting point for the winter. My shoulders kinda burn now. I'm glad I don't swim again until Monday.
This afternoon I'm going to go check out the Kingswood Park that's close to the house. It's an old golf course turned park. Looks like about a 1.4 mile loop if you go around the outside. I wonder if a zig zag up and down kind of pattern (assuming the paths I saw on google maps are actually there) would make it seem longer rather than just doing loops. I am running for 45 minutes...we'll see how it goes!
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